Picture Perfect Paint
When it comes to choosing paint colours even the most decisive of us can struggle. For those of us who collect art (whether it’s 19th century watercolours or mid-century oils) you need to be sure that all your framed pieces will look great against your choice of wall colour. You don’t have to stick with white or magnolia - there’s a whole colour spectrum out there to choose from! We’ve put together a selection of our favourite artworks and paired them with some perfect colour choices!
Sometimes you just need to let the artwork shine and Farrow & Ball’s ‘Old White’ is the perfect shade for this. It’s not your standard brilliant white and has a wonderful cool tone that will give your walls the edge. Pair it with this bright, bold abstract to create a statement.
Josephine Simmonds (b.1940) - 20th Century Oil, Abstracted Motion
We adore this moody seascape and Little Greene’s ‘Juniper Ash’ brings out the beautiful blue-grey tones in the sky. Not to mention gold and blue always look fantastic next to each other.
Ellis Berg - Mid 20th Century Oil, Pin Mill on the River Orwell
It can be best to keep colour pairings simple and engravings lend themselves well to rich, blue backdrops.
Raffaello Sanzio Morghen (1758-1833) - 18th Century Engraving, Dante Alighieri
We LOVE contrasting colours. There’s something so kitsch about Farrow & Balls’ ‘Nancy’s Blushes’ we knew it had to be paired with this stunning mid-century still life. The cool duck-egg blue colour palette pops against such a saccharine sweet pink.
Margaret Graeme Niven (1906-1997) - Framed Mid 20th Century Oil, Trinkets