For Our Mothers
The florists may be sold out already, but Sulis still has plenty of flowers for your Mamas. We’ve put together a little collection of affordable pieces that celebrate the many faceted wonder of motherhood (because it isn’t all just flowers and kisses!). Here’s to our mothers, mother figures, grandmothers and important women in our life and finally, here’s to mother earth, because we are all her children.
A dynamic, colourful, layered and emotive bouquet of flowers for all those dynamic, colourful, layered and emotive mothers out there.
Paivio Westerlund Knighton (fl.1968-86) - 20th Century Oil, Celebration Flowers
Mothers are absolute QUEENS, the lot of them! Bow down to Mother!
Rachel Grainger Hunt (1956-2016) - 20th Century Acrylic, Queen of Sheba
Give this to your mum to hang on her wall, so that she can imagine herself on a sunny city break in Europe while she washes your pants.
A bit of colour for your Mama in this fun still life by English artist, Maggy Clarysse.
Maggy Clarysse (1931-2011) - 20th Century Oil, Bountiful Fruit
Let’s not lie, kids are well needy. Sometimes you feel like they will never fly the nest and you will be constantly mouth feeding them forever. But don’t worry, they will leave eventually.
Michael Davies (b.1947) - Contemporary Watercolour, Blackbirds Feeding
This just about sums up how it feels to be a mum sometimes. Absolute chaos in your head, you haven’t slept or showered in 4 days and you’ve just given the kids some dubious leftovers from the back of the fridge that may or may not give them food poisoning, but slap a bit of lippy on and no one will notice, right?
It’s the quiet moments between the chaos of a family home, that can mean the most. Fresh cut flowers and your favourite song on the radio.
Harold H. Jones - Signed Early 20th Century Oil, Orange Blossom